Scripts - File Masks & Paths (Text)

Outlined here are the fields in Path/Mask tab of the script editor. These are used to create one or more file masks and path combinations for a script. To quickly delete the existing script mask/path settings and insert those from the main dialog, press the CTRL key and click on the lower "Remove All" button.

File Mask field: Enter one or more include &/or exclude File Masks to specify the files &/or subdirectories to search. File and directory masks can be combined to create complex file mask expressions to include files in some subdirectories while excluding those in others. The wildcards characters * and ? may be used in a manner similar to the DOS dir command, e.g., *.*;*.txt;*.doc;*.??1. More than one mask can be specified by using a semicolon separator (see above). Exclude masks use the ~ character to denote a mask NOT to search (e.g., *.*;~*.swp;~*.exe;~*.dll). To specify a ~ character as part of the file mask, use \~ to denote the literal (e.g., *.*;\~*.tmp). If you have "Search ZIP Files" turned on, the mask will be applied to files inside of ZIPs as well as ordinary files in the path specified in the path field. See File Masks for more information.

File Mask Dialog button (image\b_path4.gif): Click this to activate the Include Exclude Files & Directories dialog. This dialog is used to help you generate complex mask expressions that will be inserted into the file mask field.

Path field: Enter the path where files to search reside. You can use Complex File Mask expressions to further specify which files in the path will be processed by the script. You can also use the Advance Script Options button or the Options button on the Search and Replace main window to establish Filters to further specify the files to be processed. To save the information for the current line, click "Apply" (in the same group).

Path Browse button (image\b_path4.gif): Click to select the path where files to search reside. The Select Path dialog will be displayed to allow you to visually select the path. If the Path field (described above) contains a valid path, it will be your starting path in the path browser. Otherwise, the current path will be used. To save the information for the current line, click "Apply" (in the same group).

Path/Mask List: The file mask/path items currently in the script are displayed here. To change a specific line, select it in this list. The information for the line will then be displayed and you can then modify or delete it as you wish.

Apply button for Path/Mask List: Click this button to save the information for the currently selected line.

Insert button for Path/Mask List: Click this button to save the information for the currently selected line. To quickly insert the current path/mask entries from the main dialog without deleting the other entries, hold CTRL and click on "Insert".

Remove button for Path/Mask List: Click this button to delete the information for the currently selected line.

Remove All button for Path/Mask List: Click this button to remove all the Path/Mask lines (to start a new script for example). To quickly delete the existing script mask/path settings and insert those from the main dialog, press the CTRL key as you click on this button.

Move Up button for Path/Mask List: Click this button to move the information for the currently selected row up by one row.

Move Down button for Path/Mask List: Click this button to move the information for the currently selected row down by one row.